In General Madariaga visit, Congressman Ramiro Gutierrez and Senator-elect Alfredo "Tati" Meckievi were interviewed by the Daily Messenger about security and civil courts building in La Costa.
MADARIAGA - "Insecurity requires immediacy and physical presence"
The political group that has as its main reference in Santiago Madariaga Arrachea and follows the line of Francisco De Narvaez, shared a lunch on Saturday, which served to celebrate the good choice and thank you for the work in monitoring its adherents closer. The appointment was rescheduled, and that once the inconvenience caused by influenza A prevented its realization. Lunch, had a special visit from legislators dolorenses Ramiro Gutierrez and Alfredo Meckievi. MESSENGER talked with them. EM-
How does the situation in the province after the election? Alfredo
Meckievi "Our concern is that the policy is developing in the province is making a big debt. Consider that Scioli admits they have a deficit of 5 000 500 000 000. I'm sure it is double. The increase concealed until after the election. The failure to resolve the conflict with the farmers, the renewal of the superpowers. All this make things being equal, not reconsider. We talked about a climate of increasing difficulties as a result of a government that seems to respond against their own interests. But not correct.
EM-Am I at risk the partnership?
AM-Until the elections, mayors never received so much. The mayors know they have to deal with equity and received is to make works that can do every day. No doubt the help of National and province-la-di-da-pi were not going to have the same rhythm. Know that they were gifts. It is a debt we now have all of Buenos Aires. The debt of 10 billion pesos is. When the mayors said they had achieved what it was. What we got is more indebted to the Argentines. EM-
What is your stance on the possibility that courts are created in the region?
AM "When I was minister of justice, prosecutors believe the decentralized. I think the issue of justice and this in court here there becomes a tug of war unnecessary. This will suit the lawyers to make more money. But it does not suit you to meet people the problem of security. People what they want is the criminal court, the prosecutor to make a criminal investigation. What is civilian is as an administrative office, you do it online. The introduction of a civil case as you have on your computer, you need not even go to court. You have to put the emphasis on criminal matters. That is what people need. Because insecurity requires immediacy and physical presence. I think these are ads that do not respond to the needs and priorities of what they need the inhabitants of the region. What do you do online calendar, which requires people is the presence of criminal justice in pursuit of security. In what they have to do with the further in relation to justice, such systems are already obsolete. Today we have to extend the justice of peace, which I did when I was minister of justice, extend for greater powers for all the conflicts that have the neighbor can resolve to grow in your area that exists there, the lower court amount. The everyday must be resolved in each village. EM-
How does the system after the election? Ramiro-Gutiérrez
I met with Daniel Scioli and I think there is a will to transform, there is no willingness to change. Nor is there any intention 'to assist the province, notice that the main problem that manifests Francisco De Narváez conjunction with poverty is insecurity, but the House of Representatives Wednesday approved the creation of the Provincial Security Council and will not be represented the strength of De Narvaez, who has won in the province of Buenos Aires. We presented more than 70 projects in the legislature, of which most is security. EM-
Scioli "remains in line with Kirchner has taken a step back? EG
Kirchner-Scioli is. Come from gas and electricity increases and Scioli will dodge the package when it should be on the front of the claim of all of Buenos Aires. Scioli is autistic, is in season. Yesterday (Friday) throughout his political operatives.
EM-What is your position on the creation of courts on the coast?
RG-this project has been pushed by Senator Osvaldo Goicoechea, because you want to literally pushed out of the discussion of the camera. The natural place is the provincial congress. Has not intervened or even the judiciary with judicial commission which is the map you have to say where it lies, what is needed and what is the budget. Even went through the budget committee. Three structures are created without being budgeted. I want to discuss it. I believe in decentralization of the organs of justice, but I think in the discussion. I bring a final draft to which I only raise hand. EM-
Does the creation of the courts? RG-Ni
the creation or decentralization, yes to the methodology that is implemented. It's the same methodology kirchnerismo.
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