De Narváez Deputies requested this summer on the coast serving a panel of anti-drug police

block and Celeste Union White space that responds to Francisco de Narvaez, introduced a bill in the House floor Buenos Aires, asking the Governor Scioli that since the month December to March next year, during which implements the summer season, commissioned the Special Unit for Combating Drug Trafficking to focus its operational work on the strip of territory linking the Municipality of the Coast, Pinamar, Villa Gesell, Mar del Plata and Necochea, in order to disrupt the distribution and marketing of drugs that operate in the corridor planning in the summer.
regard, the Provincial Law 13,482 on your 174 creates the Special Unit for the Fight Against Drugs with territorial jurisdiction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Province of Buenos Aires, is an elite group with the functions of all those involved in research which, for its size, complexity, or particular characteristics, not be desirable to assign another police division. In the summer
drug trafficking continues, tourism and distribution networks operating to and from the Atlantic coast, which is a low concentration region will require that the State has its best men in the same area to dismantle these illegal operations .
Congressman Ramiro Gutierrez, President of the bank denarvaísta, said: "Under current law, in every region of the province is a special police for drugs and for complex cases, a special unit which in theory should be our best answer against gangs who sell poison to our youth. Between December and March tourist season takes place in the province, everyone knows that the drugs continue to market and, therefore, be in the Partido de la Costa, Pinamar, Villa Gesell, Mar del Plata and Necochea. We have told the Governor that has them all together to grab them, in March we will ask for the results. "
"With the call does not reach nocturnal Act, which was banned and was forbidden to sell alcohol to minors in any way this is half the problem, the other half is the drug and that we're not on the same property parents, but to be delegated exclusive jurisdiction of the state. "
"If is planning to attack the drug this summer we want to see it in action, many Members we urge this request and secure an acceptance that we share when designing actions for a safer summer and receipt of drugs and traffickers, "said the legislature.
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Article 1: Would welcome that the Executive Branch of the Province of Buenos Aires, through the Ministry of Security of the Province of Buenos Aires, commissions, from the months of December 2009 to March 2010, the Special Unit for Combating Drug Trafficking depending on the Superintendent of Research Illicit Drug Trafficking, to focus its operational work on the strip of territory linking the urban area of \u200b\u200bthe Coast, Pinamar, Villa Gesell, Mar del Plata and Necochea, in order to disrupt the distribution and marketing of drugs that operate in the corridor planning in the summer.
This is without prejudice to strengthen departmental delegations Illicit Drug Trafficking, operating under the summer and reference areas. BASICS
That this Honourable House of Representatives has worked and voted for the "Law of Night. This standard establishes clear requirements regarding the excessive alcohol consumption, supply to minors, selling energizing substances, hours of dancing establishments, etc.. The State Provincial
by this policy which states precise limits on certain activities, has entered a quasi field shared with parents and guardians of children and young people, at least with respect to the responsibilities of care and preventing unfettered access to alcohol.
It is necessary to note that this new legislation, which recapitulated conglobate orders and existing ones will have no real impact on the behaviors and habits already acquired without proper supervision and control of the Provincial and Municipal.
However, decisive action by parents or responsible adults will be a cornerstone in transit to other social practices necessary to improve the quality of life of youth and adolescents at risk contact with addictions.
It is also necessary to note that many of the regulations of the Law of night work are shared jurisdiction between the adult world and the United States Private concerned about a change in behavior patterns that affect public health and preventable risks to generate a huge population of children, adolescents and youth. That these ideas
family, parents or youth leaders can act in the private sphere of their competence to form habits and strengthen the axiological plexus necessary to life in society, however what is exclusive of state is combating drug trafficking and drug crime. That
soon to reflect any preventive work in the context of addiction is only partial, if she does not join the exclusive powers of State in charge of tending the fight against drug trafficking and the drug crime. (Article 18 of Provincial Law 12,856, Articles 4 and 167 Provincial Law 13 478).
The Gordian knot of both the supply of addictive substances such as alcohol or drugs is in the distribution and that is where the power controller and a researcher at the State must allocate its available resources, to pursue a sustainable action qualified as satisfactory results common good.
With nocturnal Act has been advanced, but only focused on part of a larger problem and that, as has been said, must focus their efforts in intercepting the supply chains. That
to deal with crime that traffics drugs and supplies in the province, the Law on Unification of the Rules of Organization of Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, creating a pattern dependent on a specific supervision, which in turn will report to the Minister of Safety and the latter by Law Governor Lord Ministries. Superintendent of Police
Research Illicit Drug Traffic and called the police structure aimed at advancing the criminal policy of drug designed in crime, has under his command a special unit established in Article 174 of Law 13,482.
This body called the Special Unit for Combating Drug Trafficking is designed to act, by court order and / or the Superintendency of Investigations Illicit Drug Trafficking in research because of their size, complexity or particular characteristics, it is convenient to assign them to another division.
13,482 provincial Act itself, in Article 167, gives sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the Superintendent of Police Research Illicit Drug Trafficking in research aimed at neutralizing the different forms of drug trafficking crime "in all its stages." Even
by rule of the doctrine of Penal Code sections 71 and 293 and conc. Law 11,922, the police must intervene on its own when it detects an illegal government action such as, in this case, under Law 23.737 (Possession and Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs).
is, in current investigations ex officio or combat the crime of drug crime complex, major or special features special forces can act without legal problems.
is almost a constant migration to generate tourist event of the year in mid-December to March inclusive, much of that tourism is in a niche bounded by the Province of Buenos Aires, may sound as a corridor between the town of San Clemente del Tuyú to the city of Necochea inclusive.
That this migration is followed by smugglers and illegal drug dealers, who see its market moved resort areas and which must serve as a constant flow and increased the concentration of individuals.
This ratio seasonal, territorial, tourist and commercial tort makes the diagram becomes particularly because of its concentration, volume and variety of substances intended for supply in a specific part of the province.
This makes it difficult to prosecute trafficking and marketing in an expanded territorial space and against operative disseminated, is reduced significantly.
Due to the necessary degree of concentration is more feasible development of an effective policy of disruption of traffickers and dealers of illicit drugs in this strip of territory in the Province of Buenos Aires.
To these ends, being very near the beginning of the summer season, where drug crime and surgical practices will move to areas of greatest concentration of tourists (eg Urban Municipality of the Coast, Pinamar, Villa Gesell, Mar del Plata and Necochea ) would be valuable to the Lord Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, instruct his Minister of Security to commission a Special Unit for Combating Drug Trafficking to focus its work in this area, where the distribution and marketing of drugs operate with certainty.
This is without prejudice to strengthen the departments' Illicit Drug Traffic, operating under the summer and reference areas. Once
diagrammed specified criminal policy and put into operation a plan that reflects the operational strategy of the area, at the end of the summer season should be visible to the community and to other branches of government results in combating the drug crime in a timely region of the Province of Buenos Aires migrational intense pressure to get tourist and commercial reasons.
Security Reasons, Crime Policy and Public Health, turn this request reasonable resolution, where the effective action of a panel of Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, can neutralize or diminish the harmful effects of massive scope crimes such as smuggling and drug dealing.
For these arguments, I ask other Members of this Honorable Body, accompanying this with your vote.
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