July Issue Management & Competitiveness
In the present times of globalization, quality should not be a nice speech.
must be a corporate practice and government as regulator. So we believe that quality comes at home. And to offer products and services with efficiency standards must have clear rules of the game.
in the Dominican Republic over 10 years ago we opened our markets to free trade, however, we have a system that guarantees the quality of the products
So we watched for many years, returned the vans vegetables, or why we still can not export meat or meat products to the U.S., because we do not have a laboratory that guarantees its quality.
Internally there are no established standards in some aspects of measurement and, in many cases, consumers complain about the lack of quality of a Dominican or because they were deceived by different measures.
In this issue we have dedicated our dossier to the Dominican System of Quality that is being discussed in Congress.
As outlined in these pages the authors of this bill, this scheme will help the competitiveness of Dominican companies. Our competitors
take us light years in these areas. In this edition, we published an article by the former deputy minister of trade of Costa Rica, Velia Govaere, which tells us how they have succeeded in strengthening its food safety system as part of the quality system of that nation. That is, while we are talking about creating the quality system, there are so refined.
country urgently needs to put the batteries and have clear quality standards and measurement to produce efficiently and be competitive, if not, we keep eating the candy in international trade.
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