Matilde Quarry recovery in Zierbena
Leo Abanto-Zierbena to begin in July, recovering from the quarry Matilde. After decontaminating the ground will enable a green area for public use.
And how is this possible?
Having cleaned the waste land quite harmful to health will take place a filling with inert material to generate a large green space.
Great news for all lovers of nature that we had been waiting several years since the start of preliminary work for the environmental recovery of the lands of the former quarry Matilde.
City Council has taken Zierbena Abanto-tender the first phase of the plan of excavation and treatment of hazardous waste deposited there. As announced yesterday the mining town's mayor, Manuel Tejada, the recovery work could begin during the month of July with a deadline of four months and a tender budget of around 230,000 euros.
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