occupy first place in prices, image and service penetration
Published in Diario Libre: http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=244674
Santo Domingo. What people think and how they perceive companies in the country? A measurement made in March this year, in which 953 interviews were personal and household in the city Santo Domingo and Santiago, found that in the area of \u200b\u200bmobile and supermarkets, companies are top rated Orange and La Sirena.
The company Orange ranks first in the ranking with a score of 353.1 to 500, according to the Management Index and Competitiveness (G & C), which measures the extent to which people familiar with the companies in each of the categories consume their products and services, and sees its market image and quality.
According to the survey, ranks second Codetel course, with a score of 337.5, followed by Tricom, with an index of 260.7, third place and live with 252.1. However, people differ on the general criteria of knowledge, insight, image, and attributes that change.
criterion in relation to knowledge of the company, ranks first course, followed by Orange, Tricom and Viva; But respondents believe that Orange holds first place in penetration, image, attributes, and any customer to be first think to make a change in the French capital company.
Second place is of course in terms of penetration, image and attributes. Tricom is in third place in terms of market penetration.
More than 953 respondents also considered in relation the attributes in detail, that Orange is the number one market share in customer friendliness, speed to address them, in prices, quick response, but of course is in first place in establishments and signal. Second in market price is occupied by Viva, and Orange is the second sign. Supermarkets
Index G & C notes that in supermarkets, the most valued company is La Sirena, followed by National and Jumbo. A score of 500, scored 341.7 La Sirena, El Nacional, 288.5, Jumbo, 279.9, followed by Bravo, 270.4, and Chain, with 265.5, tied with Pola.
La Sirena ranks first in preference Dominican and first in customer friendly, fast service, prices, responsiveness, in number of facilities and availability of products.
The second place is occupied kindness Bravo Supermarkets, and price. In last place is the friendliness and speed Pola, in the national price, in response Chain, number of establishments in the Bravo and product availability Chain. La Sirena
The country has 19 malls operated by the Palm Group, owners of La Sirena. Have 16 and 3 mullticentros La Sirena supermarket Pola, distributed in the provinces Santo Domingo, San Cristóbal, Santiago, San Francisco, Puerto Plata and La Vega. Has 44 years of market operations and more than 7 000 employees. Contributing to the treasury in excess of RD $ 3.000 billion a year. Receive more than 35 million visitors a year.
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