Sunday, December 27, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Waxing, St. Louis, Mo, Men
hear phrases today explains this halo in the sky? Trees are
do mean
these figures in the sky? do mean
(I suggest going directly to YouTube, by double clicking on the videos)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
How Quick Are The Withdrawals From Presedone
vertical expression of horizontal wealth of the earth.
For a tree is big, rich soil is immense, in terms of the extension and complexity of the network of mycelium and many, many lives producing nutrients in these soils. Today, after much looting the wealth generated by pre-human civilization of the mycelium (Yes, civilization for their administrative behaviors, laws, communication systems, production systems and storage, building systems of shared spaces and housing, etc..), There are still living over 2000 years. Trees are an expression of these beings.
Within a few years will be about 200 years, mankind has managed to exterminate the forecasters are more committed to the good weather forecasts. I do remember that it is proven that, like clouds in the sea formed by the action of dimethyl sulfide of algae of cold streams in mainland clouds form and carry water by the action of the trees. And also remind that both phenomena, on land and sea, are somehow coordinated with emissions cosmic rays that come from off the ground.
Now. I just want to show some photos, all taken from a book on USA in the late nineteenth century.
Is this the largest organism in the world? This 2,400-acre (9.7 km2) site in eastern Oregon had a contiguous growth of mycelium before logging roads cut through it. Estimated at 1,665 football fields in size and 2.200 years old, this one fungus has killed the forest Above it Several times over, and in so doing has built That Deeper soil layers allow the Growth of ever-larger stands of trees. Mushroom-forming forest fungi That Are Unique in Their mycelial mats dog Achieve Such massive Proportions.
-Paul Stamets, Mycelium Running
For a tree is big, rich soil is immense, in terms of the extension and complexity of the network of mycelium and many, many lives producing nutrients in these soils. Today, after much looting the wealth generated by pre-human civilization of the mycelium (Yes, civilization for their administrative behaviors, laws, communication systems, production systems and storage, building systems of shared spaces and housing, etc..), There are still living over 2000 years. Trees are an expression of these beings.
Within a few years will be about 200 years, mankind has managed to exterminate the forecasters are more committed to the good weather forecasts. I do remember that it is proven that, like clouds in the sea formed by the action of dimethyl sulfide of algae of cold streams in mainland clouds form and carry water by the action of the trees. And also remind that both phenomena, on land and sea, are somehow coordinated with emissions cosmic rays that come from off the ground.
Now. I just want to show some photos, all taken from a book on USA in the late nineteenth century.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Can Redness Face Be Heal?

Bulletin compete.
The agricultural sector plays a fundamental role in the development process of our country, that given the direct relationship to food security, employment promotion and poverty reduction in rural areas, natural resource assessment, linkages with the tourism sector and export generation, among others. This sector has suffered in recent years as a result of the difficult realities of the global agricultural market, political and other external factors.
However, the cluster model is a competitive outlet for Dominican farmers face competition in the globalized world and increase its business competitiveness, creating a business climate in which all stakeholders can improve performance, competitiveness and long-term profitability.
The role of clusters in the Dominican agricultural sector has been extremely important in the positive transformation that has been happening in the sector. In order to further promote the competitiveness of this sector, we have developed the theme of clusters for this edition of our newsletter. Link
2010 Saleen Truck For Sale
Motivation to advance
no doubt, to encourage companies to productivity in tough times
should be a major task. Ensure that employees are aligned with that goal is not "coconut straw," as we say in good Dominican.
To achieve levels of efficiency and quality must be employees, partners and employees motivated so that their enthusiasm is reflected in reliable and appropriate actions to established standards. Hence
analyzed from different angles the role of motivation in human resource management is a fundamental contribution to Management & Competitiveness for entrepreneurs undertook Dominicans and foreigners can see the different ways to keep up the encouragement and courage to work of their employees.
In this edition of this magazine, we have as a starting point the Abstract, "Who and what motivates whom. How does the motivation in human resource management? "Which is analyzed by Maribel K. Just with his work "The role of motivation in human resource management."
"Principles, techniques and methods to promote motivation in the organization" Miracle is the Closet contribution to this edition Barroso. "More than incentives interesting jobs" is a theme developed by Garibaldy García Bautista, also "How to keep talent in the company aligned with the strategy?" da pie a un análisis que para G&C nos trae Federico Chavarría con la Columna Deloitte; mientras que Francisco Villalta plantea que “Nadie motiva a nadie”, una curiosa posición anti-motivacional pero que a su vez, lleva en sí el impulso que brinda la motivación.
Lo fundamental es evidenciar que los equipos de trabajo en las empresas necesitan algo que los invite a mejorar cada paso dado, ya sea un clima laboral adecuado, un ambiente acogedor, un liderazgo expresado en la gerencia, que sea cercano, pero que al mismo tiempo no pierde su autoridad, porque, al fin, motivar es avanzar.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Lyrical Solo Costumes
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Chocolate Covered Orange Peel
Health as a profitable business in the Base of the Pyramid.
I loved this case because it shows that it is possible to make a sustainable business grow and be profitable, and also has dozens of "externalities" positive.
This is a health business, linked to vision problems in people. Is, great. India is giving us lessons Bolivia and Latin America could "tropicalize" our scale and ethos .
This is a health business, linked to vision problems in people. Is, great. India is giving us lessons Bolivia and Latin America could "tropicalize" our scale and ethos .
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Can I Switch My 2009 Suburban To Bucket Seats
Motivate costs nothing
Este texto forma parte del dossier de la edición December Management & Competitiveness.
By Tony Arias Gil
In times like living the business world today, talk about motivation can disturb the wallet of the business. And it makes sense. Well, if at times it is sold unless there are markets that are closed and factors external to the company that does not allow it to grow, who begins to think about spending scarce resources to "motivate" employees?
However, after the companies have made the necessary budget cuts to survive, then the companies have displayed improvements in their processes to be more effective and win to stay, then, is must sit in coordination with the department of human management and see how I keep my staff "motivated" to the above will have positive results.
Without the proper motivation to employees, all the beautiful plans, all matrices and improvement projects will stay in nice folders and binders, which adorned the meeting rooms. And is that employees with a correct view of your business and empathy with his superiors and the mission of the company are employees who are motivated to seek new horizons that promote change, productivity and competitiveness for companies.
There is still time. Think again. Yes already made improvements in its business, now devote yourself to think about their partners, their employees and give them reasons to increase the value of what they do. Will not magically, but it will bear good fruit.
Este texto forma parte del dossier de la edición December Management & Competitiveness.
By Tony Arias Gil
In times like living the business world today, talk about motivation can disturb the wallet of the business. And it makes sense. Well, if at times it is sold unless there are markets that are closed and factors external to the company that does not allow it to grow, who begins to think about spending scarce resources to "motivate" employees?
However, after the companies have made the necessary budget cuts to survive, then the companies have displayed improvements in their processes to be more effective and win to stay, then, is must sit in coordination with the department of human management and see how I keep my staff "motivated" to the above will have positive results.
Without the proper motivation to employees, all the beautiful plans, all matrices and improvement projects will stay in nice folders and binders, which adorned the meeting rooms. And is that employees with a correct view of your business and empathy with his superiors and the mission of the company are employees who are motivated to seek new horizons that promote change, productivity and competitiveness for companies.
There is still time. Think again. Yes already made improvements in its business, now devote yourself to think about their partners, their employees and give them reasons to increase the value of what they do. Will not magically, but it will bear good fruit.
What Does A Ballast Do
Focus on what you want
share the eight decision-making to the success of Carlos Chavez Monzón, contributor to the magazine Management & Competitiveness has shared with other partners of our magazine. Eight
powerful decision-making for the success
1 .- Instead of resisting accepts the factual. Take control over your answers. Reduce your stress. Have ability to manage change. Change what is
of you change and accept what is and is irreversible. Leave the past in the past. Divest yourself of all that binds you the past and is an obstacle for you. 2 .-
resign rather than say: I take it, have an ambition active. Accept your possibilities. Get moving.
3 .- Instead of avoiding, say, I assume. The challenge is to take what is yours is the opportunity to change things. Take every opportunity.
4 .- You must make a commitment, ie the commitment to do whatever it takes. You must change your habits. Incorporate new habits into your life. Move toward what you want and do this in you. Take care of that if you can take advantage of opportunities. Commit to achieve what you want.
5 .- Instead of worrying, you should take care. The antidote to your worries is to take care. Move toward what you want and do is in you. What's the worry about what escapes you? If something is concerned and you do something, then please share.
6 .- instead of forget what you have, thanks. How many things can be grateful in your life?, Focus on what you have. Dispel fears. You have more than you thought. Thank you so much to life.
7 .- Trust that you are bigger than your problems. Do not tell God how big your problems but tell your problems how big is God. You have the ability to succeed. 8 .-
rather negative view, bet to win. If you think you can or think you're right. Everything depends on you. Apuéstale to your success. Have faith that everything that happens is best. Focus on what you really want: success. It is not simple positive thinking. It is naive to think that everything will be okay. Identify what you can take. Assume your responsibility. Decides to entrust connected with gratitude.
!!!!!! Take Action
share the eight decision-making to the success of Carlos Chavez Monzón, contributor to the magazine Management & Competitiveness has shared with other partners of our magazine. Eight
powerful decision-making for the success
1 .- Instead of resisting accepts the factual. Take control over your answers. Reduce your stress. Have ability to manage change. Change what is
of you change and accept what is and is irreversible. Leave the past in the past. Divest yourself of all that binds you the past and is an obstacle for you. 2 .-
resign rather than say: I take it, have an ambition active. Accept your possibilities. Get moving.
3 .- Instead of avoiding, say, I assume. The challenge is to take what is yours is the opportunity to change things. Take every opportunity.
4 .- You must make a commitment, ie the commitment to do whatever it takes. You must change your habits. Incorporate new habits into your life. Move toward what you want and do this in you. Take care of that if you can take advantage of opportunities. Commit to achieve what you want.
5 .- Instead of worrying, you should take care. The antidote to your worries is to take care. Move toward what you want and do is in you. What's the worry about what escapes you? If something is concerned and you do something, then please share.
6 .- instead of forget what you have, thanks. How many things can be grateful in your life?, Focus on what you have. Dispel fears. You have more than you thought. Thank you so much to life.
7 .- Trust that you are bigger than your problems. Do not tell God how big your problems but tell your problems how big is God. You have the ability to succeed. 8 .-
rather negative view, bet to win. If you think you can or think you're right. Everything depends on you. Apuéstale to your success. Have faith that everything that happens is best. Focus on what you really want: success. It is not simple positive thinking. It is naive to think that everything will be okay. Identify what you can take. Assume your responsibility. Decides to entrust connected with gratitude.
!!!!!! Take Action
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Weight From Presedone
Coca production in Bolivia, Peru and Colombia, 2
The curious fact that no one says. In 2007, Colombia's coca production increased 27%. Why not then cut off to Colombia the ATPDEA? The source is the Andean Report 2008.
2007, the U.S. government increased funding for the fight against drug trafficking. As reported this report to the Senate. Read please.
2007, the U.S. government increased funding for the fight against drug trafficking. As reported this report to the Senate. Read please.
Can You Get Herpes From Boxing
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Colonic Hydrotherapist Salary
So what determines the 16 ° Parliamentarian Awards in the Province of Buenos Aires as part of the annual survey conducted by this magazine.
Parliamentary Awards are granted based on a survey of legislators in both chambers, which also involved the parliamentary advisers and journalists. Based on this method, it formed the select list of the most laborious ten legislators from each chamber. Lawmakers distinguished
for this award have a general condition have a own legislative work and outstanding performance in committees and in the vicinity at the time of the presentations and discussions.
Among the lawmakers known for their performance throughout the year, is the Deputy Ramiro Gutierrez, president of the bank and native denarvaísta Dolores district where he was alderman.
Currently, Dr. Ramiro Gutierrez serves as Secretary of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Justice of the House and integration, as well as commissions of the Interior and Regional Affairs and Maritime Affairs, Port and Fisheries of the body.
Delivery of Awards will be held in late March 2010 in the Buenos Aires Legislature.
Parliamentary Awards are granted based on a survey of legislators in both chambers, which also involved the parliamentary advisers and journalists. Based on this method, it formed the select list of the most laborious ten legislators from each chamber. Lawmakers distinguished
for this award have a general condition have a own legislative work and outstanding performance in committees and in the vicinity at the time of the presentations and discussions.
Among the lawmakers known for their performance throughout the year, is the Deputy Ramiro Gutierrez, president of the bank and native denarvaísta Dolores district where he was alderman.
Currently, Dr. Ramiro Gutierrez serves as Secretary of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Justice of the House and integration, as well as commissions of the Interior and Regional Affairs and Maritime Affairs, Port and Fisheries of the body.
Delivery of Awards will be held in late March 2010 in the Buenos Aires Legislature.
Maxicanas Famosas Follando
The House of Representatives approved this afternoon the Emergency Police building infrastructure of the Province of Buenos Aires.
The initiative is the Deputy Provincial Ramiro Gutierrez, chairman of the caucus in the House denarvaísta Aires.
The project, presented in conjunction with Rep. George Macri, states that the Ministry of Security, Infrastructure and Economy take steps immediately to address the emergency through the coordination of the Minister of Security, Carlos Stornelli.
In this sense, the initiative promotes the creation of a Bicameral Commission composed of nine members and six senators whose function is to review and provide approval or rejection of the Infrastructure Plan submitted by the Ministry of Security.
regard Rep. Gutierrez said that "constructing physical spaces that dignify the man police and citizens who attend the first link of the justice system involves redesigning the administrative organs of security in the province.
The scheme is based on complex thinking that will have areas of criminal, medical clinics for police and experts, cabinets Computer, classroom training, judicial area for the work of prosecutors and judicial trainers, simulation and training rooms, armory, shooting range, areas for rest and personal power, Gesell and area camera identification of people. "
"Upon admission, the victim of a criminal offense centralized find answers to all these services that are now scattered avoiding in this way, the continuing journey of the citizens of Buenos Aires by the various executive and judicial agencies as part of the penal system . Medical officers, tax experts and assistants will be there for proper attention. "
"Security is delegated the provision of the state and all material resources to provide it must be streamlines, restructured and rethought under the criteria of economy, efficiency and public service," remarked the legislator.
The House of Representatives approved this afternoon the Emergency Police building infrastructure of the Province of Buenos Aires.
The initiative is the Deputy Provincial Ramiro Gutierrez, chairman of the caucus in the House denarvaísta Aires.
The project, presented in conjunction with Rep. George Macri, states that the Ministry of Security, Infrastructure and Economy take steps immediately to address the emergency through the coordination of the Minister of Security, Carlos Stornelli.
In this sense, the initiative promotes the creation of a Bicameral Commission composed of nine members and six senators whose function is to review and provide approval or rejection of the Infrastructure Plan submitted by the Ministry of Security.
regard Rep. Gutierrez said that "constructing physical spaces that dignify the man police and citizens who attend the first link of the justice system involves redesigning the administrative organs of security in the province.
The scheme is based on complex thinking that will have areas of criminal, medical clinics for police and experts, cabinets Computer, classroom training, judicial area for the work of prosecutors and judicial trainers, simulation and training rooms, armory, shooting range, areas for rest and personal power, Gesell and area camera identification of people. "
"Upon admission, the victim of a criminal offense centralized find answers to all these services that are now scattered avoiding in this way, the continuing journey of the citizens of Buenos Aires by the various executive and judicial agencies as part of the penal system . Medical officers, tax experts and assistants will be there for proper attention. "
"Security is delegated the provision of the state and all material resources to provide it must be streamlines, restructured and rethought under the criteria of economy, efficiency and public service," remarked the legislator.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Church Anniversary Bible Verse
Deputies defined authorities and block holders from December 10
Rep. dolorense, Ramiro Gutierrez Pro preside over the Union Block, the second force in the Province of Buenos Aires.
The Chamber of Deputies will chaired by Horacio González (FPV-PJ), supported in the vice presidency by Horacio Delgado (FPV-PJ) Jorge Macri (Pro) in the first vice president; Liliana Piani (ARI-CC) the second vice president and John Gobbi (UCR), is third vice president.
The latest agreements reached at the provincial lower house, enabled from the removal of deputies Cravero and Abel Jorge Miguel from the GEN block to the ARI, the bed count from December 10 to 11 legislators and becomes a the third minority of the body designated to occupy the vice second to Piani.
As the first minority lawmakers, the officer said the continuity of González Delgado. FPV-block Pj continue under the leadership of Raúl Pérez Plata.
Block Pro 15 members of Union to be formed in second largest minority, will be led by Ramiro Gutierrez, the RIA-CC -11 lawmakers, by Walter Martello and UCR, with 10 deputies, Richard Janus. Jaime Linares
command the block of 9 members of GEN, Rodolfo Arata at 5 Concertación legislators, Carlos Piris at 4 of the deputies who respond by "Philip" and there will unibloque, whose seat will be occupied by Emilio.
The Chamber of Deputies will chaired by Horacio González (FPV-PJ), supported in the vice presidency by Horacio Delgado (FPV-PJ) Jorge Macri (Pro) in the first vice president; Liliana Piani (ARI-CC) the second vice president and John Gobbi (UCR), is third vice president.
The latest agreements reached at the provincial lower house, enabled from the removal of deputies Cravero and Abel Jorge Miguel from the GEN block to the ARI, the bed count from December 10 to 11 legislators and becomes a the third minority of the body designated to occupy the vice second to Piani.
As the first minority lawmakers, the officer said the continuity of González Delgado. FPV-block Pj continue under the leadership of Raúl Pérez Plata.
Block Pro 15 members of Union to be formed in second largest minority, will be led by Ramiro Gutierrez, the RIA-CC -11 lawmakers, by Walter Martello and UCR, with 10 deputies, Richard Janus. Jaime Linares
command the block of 9 members of GEN, Rodolfo Arata at 5 Concertación legislators, Carlos Piris at 4 of the deputies who respond by "Philip" and there will unibloque, whose seat will be occupied by Emilio.
Monday, November 30, 2009
A Spy In A Speed Boat Is Being Chased
I want the female energy in me, thank Isabel
but I could not get excited and feel like screaming about "Women Power!", And the more feminist better. Geez, a lot of injustice in the world has just relationship with the injustices against women. In bed, at home, in business, school, in the State, on me. Isabel
Thanks for making me laugh, mourn and flavored with love-a-world-good.
is subtitled in 16 languages, click on "View Subtitles."
Thanks for making me laugh, mourn and flavored with love-a-world-good.
is subtitled in 16 languages, click on "View Subtitles."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
One Nipple Piercing Man
A credit market much cleaner
For Yomaira J.
reading the title of this article, many could infer that refers to a capital market more ethical and transparent than the current, however it refers to a market environment that arises from the exchange of carbon credits under the so-called "clean development mechanism (CDM).
This concept arose with the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol, in the town of that name in 1997, within the framework of the UN Convention on Climate Change, held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. Kyoto
promotes the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, which cause the phenomenon of global warming or climate change also called "Greenhouse gases" in the U.S.. Within these gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hidrofluorocarnonos, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride.
The goal was raised at that time directed their efforts to reduce GHG emissions in 2008-2012 to 5% below the 1990 emissions. Through the creation of a carbon credit trading between the industrialized and developing countries.

For Yomaira J.
reading the title of this article, many could infer that refers to a capital market more ethical and transparent than the current, however it refers to a market environment that arises from the exchange of carbon credits under the so-called "clean development mechanism (CDM).
This concept arose with the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol, in the town of that name in 1997, within the framework of the UN Convention on Climate Change, held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. Kyoto
promotes the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, which cause the phenomenon of global warming or climate change also called "Greenhouse gases" in the U.S.. Within these gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hidrofluorocarnonos, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride.
The goal was raised at that time directed their efforts to reduce GHG emissions in 2008-2012 to 5% below the 1990 emissions. Through the creation of a carbon credit trading between the industrialized and developing countries.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Reupholster Ski Boat Interior
Union Training Day Pro Peronist
Last weekend took place in the city of Tandil, the meeting of Aldermen and School Counselors Pro Peronist Union, to train and educate our leaders.
The final act of closure involved National Representative Francisco de Narváez, Senator-elect Alfredo "Tati" Meckievi, Block President Ramiro Gutierrez and Members of Provincial Deputies Jorge Emilio Srodek Monzo and others.
Last weekend took place in the city of Tandil, the meeting of Aldermen and School Counselors Pro Peronist Union, to train and educate our leaders.
The final act of closure involved National Representative Francisco de Narváez, Senator-elect Alfredo "Tati" Meckievi, Block President Ramiro Gutierrez and Members of Provincial Deputies Jorge Emilio Srodek Monzo and others.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Northern Nj Gay Parks
Leadership lean time

The world is currently experiencing a crisis of models of corporate governance.
In this situation you need to reinvent the notion of leadership.
Leaders must emerge as role models and not as people who are accused of breaking a business or the world.
Management & Competitiveness magazine, a magazine devoted to issues of corporate culture chosen for its November issue the subject of leadership in lean times.
The title that identifies this number is a quote from Peter Drucker's father managment: "The excellence of a leader is measured by its ability to transform problems into opportunities ".
The economic recovery world slows. The recovery of confidence in business entities also becomes difficult.
However, this current crisis should be seen as an opportunity to get ahead, to make changes, to achieve new paradigms, new ways of managing businesses.
We invite you to browse our website to learn about the issues of Management & Competitiveness.
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