Saturday, December 12, 2009

Can I Switch My 2009 Suburban To Bucket Seats

Motivate costs nothing

Este texto forma parte del dossier de la edición December Management & Competitiveness.

By Tony Arias Gil

In times like living the business world today, talk about motivation can disturb the wallet of the business. And it makes sense. Well, if at times it is sold unless there are markets that are closed and factors external to the company that does not allow it to grow, who begins to think about spending scarce resources to "motivate" employees?

However, after the companies have made the necessary budget cuts to survive, then the companies have displayed improvements in their processes to be more effective and win to stay, then, is must sit in coordination with the department of human management and see how I keep my staff "motivated" to the above will have positive results.

Without the proper motivation to employees, all the beautiful plans, all matrices and improvement projects will stay in nice folders and binders, which adorned the meeting rooms. And is that employees with a correct view of your business and empathy with his superiors and the mission of the company are employees who are motivated to seek new horizons that promote change, productivity and competitiveness for companies.

There is still time. Think again. Yes already made improvements in its business, now devote yourself to think about their partners, their employees and give them reasons to increase the value of what they do. Will not magically, but it will bear good fruit.


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