Is this the largest organism in the world? This 2,400-acre (9.7 km2) site in eastern Oregon had a contiguous growth of mycelium before logging roads cut through it. Estimated at 1,665 football fields in size and 2.200 years old, this one fungus has killed the forest Above it Several times over, and in so doing has built That Deeper soil layers allow the Growth of ever-larger stands of trees. Mushroom-forming forest fungi That Are Unique in Their mycelial mats dog Achieve Such massive Proportions.
-Paul Stamets, Mycelium Running
For a tree is big, rich soil is immense, in terms of the extension and complexity of the network of mycelium and many, many lives producing nutrients in these soils. Today, after much looting the wealth generated by pre-human civilization of the mycelium (Yes, civilization for their administrative behaviors, laws, communication systems, production systems and storage, building systems of shared spaces and housing, etc..), There are still living over 2000 years. Trees are an expression of these beings.
Within a few years will be about 200 years, mankind has managed to exterminate the forecasters are more committed to the good weather forecasts. I do remember that it is proven that, like clouds in the sea formed by the action of dimethyl sulfide of algae of cold streams in mainland clouds form and carry water by the action of the trees. And also remind that both phenomena, on land and sea, are somehow coordinated with emissions cosmic rays that come from off the ground.
Now. I just want to show some photos, all taken from a book on USA in the late nineteenth century.
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