Saturday, December 19, 2009

2010 Saleen Truck For Sale

Motivation to advance

no doubt, to encourage companies to productivity in tough times
should be a major task. Ensure that employees are aligned with that goal is not "coconut straw," as we say in good Dominican.

To achieve levels of efficiency and quality must be employees, partners and employees motivated so that their enthusiasm is reflected in reliable and appropriate actions to established standards. Hence

analyzed from different angles the role of motivation in human resource management is a fundamental contribution to Management & Competitiveness for entrepreneurs undertook Dominicans and foreigners can see the different ways to keep up the encouragement and courage to work of their employees.

In this edition of this magazine, we have as a starting point the Abstract, "Who and what motivates whom. How does the motivation in human resource management? "Which is analyzed by Maribel K. Just with his work "The role of motivation in human resource management."

"Principles, techniques and methods to promote motivation in the organization" Miracle is the Closet contribution to this edition Barroso. "More than incentives interesting jobs" is a theme developed by Garibaldy García Bautista, also "How to keep talent in the company aligned with the strategy?" da pie a un análisis que para G&C nos trae Federico Chavarría con la Columna Deloitte; mientras que Francisco Villalta plantea que “Nadie motiva a nadie”, una curiosa posición anti-motivacional pero que a su vez, lleva en sí el impulso que brinda la motivación.

Lo fundamental es evidenciar que los equipos de trabajo en las empresas necesitan algo que los invite a mejorar cada paso dado, ya sea un clima laboral adecuado, un ambiente acogedor, un liderazgo expresado en la gerencia, que sea cercano, pero que al mismo tiempo no pierde su autoridad, porque, al fin, motivar es avanzar.


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